Google Season of Docs 2021- Application Journey(Part -1)
Open Source contribution is something that has always fascinated me ever since I got to know about it in the early 2020’s (in the Famous 2020 Lockdown😊)
My personal opinion about open source is it is an “Ocean of Opportunities”.After more than an year of open source contribution I came to know about the different doors it opens for a developer.And one such opportunity is Google Season of Docs(GSoD)!!!!😍 .
Ever since I came to know about it from my junior at college who had been selected for it in 2020,I wanted to be a part of it to gain experience and to learn new things.And finally in 2021 I became a part of Google Season of Docs’21 ,yeah finally I made it !!!!
I am participating in GSoD 2021 under Wechaty (Conversational RPA SDK for Chat-bot)
For those of you who are curious to actually is GSoD? And why is there so much hype about it ?
Well just read along to know more😁....
“Google Season of Docs provides support for open source projects to improve their documentation and gives professional technical writers an opportunity to gain experience in open source.”(Exact official website definition)
Documentation is very important for any software product,it is a crucial part of any software development.It keeps tracks of all aspects of the product and improves the quality of the software product.
And many open source software lack this,their products are amazing but what they lack is documentation or they have a very primitive documentation.And this is the main reason Google funds these open source organisation to hire skilled technical writers (Obviously after a lot of screening) to imporve their documentation
if you like it don't forget to give a clap😉 and also do wait for the next part of the blog to get a detailed explanation of my application journey to GSod 2021😃....